Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sword Drills

Sword drills are used by many Sunday Schools as a way of training children to look up references in their bible. The basic idea is that the children start with their bibles closed, a reference is given to them and, when the signal to start is given, they look up the verse. The first one to find it is the winner. However there are several ways to make the exercise more fun, and more visual, and some of those we have used are explained below.
Note on Bible versions: If the children in your Sunday school use different versions of the bible, you should make sure beforehand that the key word (animal, object number etc.) is the same in each version.
Visuals: As well as reading out the bible reference, it should be written out for the children to see. In the past this might have been done on a blackboard. But in these days of computers it is very easy to print out the references in large letters on sheets of brightly colored paper. These can then be put in the correct order in a ring binder (see photo) and held up for the children to refer to while they are looking up the verse.  They can Also be put on Power Point.